ALICA303/RADIOMICROAVE/ALICE S: "They can take away your rights, but they can never stop the boogie"


Hello! If you're reading this and I didn't send this website to you, I deeply appreciate you. I made this site because I wanted to get away from the constant sludge fest of social media, and having someone actually go here and interact means the world to me.

Mostly because I'm not very good at updating this site.

Is it the laziness? Is it ADHD? Is it some combination of both? Yes!

I want to be able to update this site more, and i'll probably put this on the front page.

I've been recently making steps to try to get away from more mainstream websites. For one, starting very soon, I'm going to start hosting my music on my good friend Cecily Renns' site, where you'll be able to listen to MP3s of all my music, and buy it if you want to.

I'm also going to still host my music here and on my Bandcamp, so don't worry.

Other than that, things have been quiet. For me, at least.

Again, if you're reading this, Thank you, and I'll see you soon!